Are You Interested to Write for Us? SPCFiTZ Loves Guest Blog Posts!

If You’re Passionate About Bodybuilding & Fitness Industry, We Are All Ears

SPCFiTZ publishes blog posts for lifters interested in strength, power, and building muscles. Topics include fitness lifestyle, strength & conditioning, bodybuilding, nutrition & fat loss, dietary supplements, and humor or rant related to the lifting culture.

We continuously look for writers who share the same passion for fitness and bodybuilding. Our motive is to offer SPCFiTZ visitors the right information required to build the body they want.

We’re looking for a quality perspective. Whether you’re doing any fitness experiment, following a new diet, or how your visualizations helped you lift better, we’re interested in knowing about it.

We’re Looking for People Who Shares Good Information & Opinions on Lifting, Strength, Conditioning, Eating & Health

Topics We Would Like to Hear About

  • Industry news
  • Tips or opinions for training
  • Workouts routines either like single muscle workouts or full splits. For example, focused on any specific desired goal such as muscle building, strength training, sports performance, or fat loss.
  • Dietary supplement reviews
  • Healthy recipes
  • Motivational or viral story related to fitness & bodybuilding niche
  • Bodybuilding legends
  • Fat loss
  • Nutrition
  • Body transformation
  • Fitness trends and how they might affect the fitness industry, including any new approach towards fitness or training.

SPCFiTZ is looking for quality articles that are bold and fearless and focused on bodybuilding, strength training, physique, fat loss, nutrition, dietary supplements, diet, or anything that fits within this category.

Required Tone of Content

All the written content should be upbeat, encouraging, optimistic, open-minded, friendly, bold, and fearless. Approach topics as a passionate fan of the bodybuilding industry and not as critics or looking for an opportunity to put someone down.

Guidelines for Guest Post Contributors

  • Your post should be original and shouldn’t be written anywhere else, and you agree that we may quote it, republish it, update it and promote it in whichever form we want.
  • All the submitted posts should be in Microsoft Word Files, and the minimum acceptable length is 750 words (although most blog posts go anywhere between 1000 to 3000 words.) But, we’re open to shorter or longer articles. For instance, a recipe or workout blog post can be of any length.
  • Content that requires photos, then provide horizontal images and not vertical. It would be better if it’s of the highest quality possible and larger the better.
  • Content that requires videos, then shoot it horizontally with at least 720p. And, it shouldn’t include any advertisements or promotions of any type.
  • Content that includes quotes, reference of any study or an article, then please provide a citation in the form of a link.
  • Please provide a two or three-sentence bio that explains your credentials along with a 300×300 pixels headshot, possibly in white background and links to your social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Note: We don’t pay, nor we charge any fees from guest posts.

What SPCFiTZ Don’t Publish – Blog Post That May Get Rejected

  • Topics / Articles that are already covered
  • Content that has been copied from somewhere
  • Heavy promotion of any company or organization
  • Overly critical or negative
  • Link building scheme or click-bait schemes

Here’s How You Can Submit Your Guest Blog Post

So, you’re interested to write for us? Please send us an email to, and we’ll get in touch with you within a short time. Make sure you include:

  • Topic you’re interested to write guest blog posts on
  • Outline of the topic in bullet points