An American Actor Known for His Roles in Movies Like the Walking Dead, Wolf of Wall Street, Marvel’s the Punisher & Fury

Jon Brethal is one of the few actors who transform his physique at a greater level according to the need of the movie. He shows up on set on time and has also shaped his life by being punctual both physically and mentally. Most of his movie roles needed physical strength and stamina, and Jon didn’t turn away and stood committed to a strict diet and workout routines that helped him build muscle to achieve his goals as an actor.

Usually, Jon relies upon bodybuilding workouts for strength training and Jiu-Jitsu for fight or combat scenes, along with a strict diet plan for looking his best.

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Jon Bernthal’s Workout Principles

Jon enjoys combat-type training for cardio and proper bodybuilding training. Therefore, he usually likes to keep his diet simple to refuel his body for the next workout. Similarly, he focuses on healthy eating but sometimes likes to go for a cheat meal. Nonetheless, he usually likes to eat cheat meals to satisfy his craving and refocus on his routine.

Jon Bernthal’s Workout Routine

To get a killer body shape, Jon likes to go for weight training, circuit-type workouts, MMA, and some cardio’s. And below is one such workout routine of him:

Monday – Lower Body

Treadmill – 20 Min (Warmup)

Circuit: 1

Calf Raises312
BB Back Squats312
Leg Press310
Hamstring Curls310

Circuit: 2

Front Squats30
Box Jumps50
Sit – Ups40
Pull – Ups10
Heavy Punching Bag1 Min

Repeat Circuit 1 & 2 for 3 Times

Tuesday – MMA Training

Wednesday – Upper Body

BB Bench Press310
Overhead Triceps Extensions310
Incline BB Bench Press310
Pull–Ups (Wide Grip)310
Seated Rowing310

Thursday – Full Body

Circuit 1:

Pike Push – Ups310
BB Shrugs310
Arnold Press310
BB Preacher Curls310
Hamstring Curls310

Circuit 2:

BB Military Press310
Close Grip Pull–Ups310
BB Deadlifts310
Lat Pulldowns310
DB Front Raises310

Repeat Circuit 1 & 2 for 3 Times

Friday – Cardio

  • Jogging or Stationery Bike Riding or Elliptical – 20 Minutes

Saturday – Body Weight Training

Pike Push – Ups312
Push – Ups310
Jump Squats310
V – Ups315
Plank Hold1 Min

Sunday – Rest Day

Jon Bernthal’s Diet Plan

While preparing for movies, he avoids sugary, processed & fried foods and dairy. Instead, he likes to have three large meals and three snacks per day that help him have enough energy while giving him needed recovery from his tough workouts.

  • Meal 1 
  • Meal 2
    • Chicken Breast – 8 Ounces
    • Whole Wheat Pasta
    • Salad of Fresh Veggies
  • Meal 3
    • Lean Meat Steak or Fish – 8 Ounces
    • Steamed Veggies
    • Salad


Wrapping Up

Jon is one of those actors who knows what he needs to take care of in the gym and kitchen to achieve his desired physique. Similarly, he stays clear about his workouts, whether he’s working on his next big movie project or simply looking to maintain his physique. And, if you’re wondering what Jon Bernthal’s workout routine or diet plan is, we’ve covered one of them here.

Similarly, if you’re a beginner and don’t have much experience with hard workouts, then we suggest going for some light workout routines before getting into this one.

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