Let’s Find Out What Is a PR in Lifting Community & How You Can Achieve It

Once you start getting serious about weightlifting, you may have become familiar with the word PR. Many times, your gym bros may be questioning what your new PR is. Nonetheless, whether you know what a PR is lifting or not, we’ll decode it and let you know what it means, its benefit, and how you can track it. 

what is a pr in lifting

Have Questions Like – What Does PR Mean in Gym? Or What Is PR in Gym?

Put simply, PR (Personal Record) is a common term that’s used in weightlifting. It’s referred to the maximum amount of weight a person can lift in a particular exercise or lift for 1 repetition. PRs are essential for lifters to measure their lifting progress, and it also helps motivate.

In weightlifting, many types of lifts have their techniques and requirements; for example, some of the lifts include bench presses, overhead presses, squats, and deadlifts. In addition, different muscle groups are used in each lift and need different strength levels, skills, and coordination.

Whenever weightlifter lifts, they lift the maximum weight they can lift possible for a certain number of repetitions. And the lifted weights are usually called as a percentage of the lifter’s 1RM (One Rep Max). So, for instance, if a lifter’s 1RM is 300 pounds in squats and the lifter squats for 225 pounds for five reps, then it’s 75% of their 1RM. Hence, here the concept of PR comes into play. Whenever any lifter lifts a weight they haven’t lifted before for a particular exercise; for example, if the 1RM is 300 pounds in a squat and the same lifter goes for 305 pounds for one rep in squats, then that 305 pounds is a new PR in lifting.

Setting new PR is one of the weightlifting accomplishments. It says that your strength and technique are progressing to lift heavier weights than earlier you were used to lift. And it’s also a good way to keep yourself motivated and track progress over the period.

PRs Can Be Achieved in Different Ways

To achieve PRs, there’s more than one way. Some lifters can gradually increase the weight they lift over time by adding a few pounds every week or month. Others may focus on improving technique and form that allows them to lift more weight with the same effort.

One common way to set the new PR is by performing max effort lift. It involves attempting to lift the maximum amount of weight for one repetition with the help of a spotter or any safety equipment. Max effort lifts are usually done as a part of any workout program, and it’s a beneficial way to measure progress and identify areas for improvement.

Further, you can also go with the high-volume training sessions to set your new PR. It involves lifting a moderate amount of weight for a high number of reps to improve your muscle endurance and overall strength. Gradually, it helps lifters to increase their 1RM (1 Rep Max) and set new PR.

Benefits of Setting or Achieving New PR

Hitting your new PR (Personal Record) has many benefits, and some of them are:

  • It gives you a tangible and clear measure of how much you’ve progressed in your workout. In addition, it helps keep you motivated and focused on the goal you’ve set.
  • It lets lifters track their progress and help them find what areas need improvement. Hence, you can adjust your workout program accordingly.
  • Help you build confidence and improve your mental strength. By pushing yourself to lift more, you can learn to overcome self-doubt and push yourself through mental and physical barriers.
  • Helps you build strength and gain muscle size.

Use Difficult Variation of Exercise to Hit New PR

If you’re reading this, we hope you’ve got to know what is a PR in lifting and what benefits it offers. Now, let’s find out what the trick is by which you can hit your new PR.

The technique is essential when you work up for a heavy set in a difficult exercise such as squats and deadlifts. A slight mistake, such as a leak in tightness, can hinder your successful set. Hence, difficult variations of a movement can help you build technique and help you lift heavy.

When you’re working up, go for a tougher version of a similar exercise to adjust yourself for a new PR. The variation shouldn’t be difficult but reinforce the technique that carries over to the main lift. Here below is an example of a variation you can go with:

  • Squats >> Front Squats
  • Deadlift >> Deficit Deadlift
  • Pull – Up >> Wide Grip Pull Up
  • Bench Press >> Close Grip Bench Press

Nonetheless, it’s essential that lifter approach PRs with caution. Similarly, avoid attempting to lift too much weight quickly, as it can lead to injury or burnout, which can hinder your progress.

In addition, proper nutrition and recovery play a critical role in setting new PR, as lifting weights place stress on the body. Hence, it becomes important to fuel your body with adequate nutrients and rest to support the growth and recovery of your body. Furthermore, it means you must have a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Lastly, getting enough sleep for recovery.

Closing Thoughts

PRs in lifting are important as it gives you a clear and precise tangible measure of how much you’ve progressed so far in your workout and strength. Setting and achieving new PRs need patience, dedication, persistence, consistency, recovery, proper nutrition, and willingness to learn and grow. Nonetheless, for those who had questions about what is a PR in lifting, we hope they get their questions answered. Here we’ve discussed what PR is, its benefit, and how you can hit your new PR. Good luck!

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Satinder Chowdhry