Bill Pearl Is the All-Star Golden Era Bodybuilder & a Pioneer of Body Sculpting

Born on October 31, 1930, Bill Pearl is a former professional American bodybuilder and athlete who was the bodybuilding industry’s driving force. Launching several gyms and fitness clubs throughout his career, Bill was one of his times’ fantastic bodybuilders.

He’s the Golden-era bodybuilder with many titles and awards, including Mr. Universe consecutively for the five times under his belt. He was one of the all-star bodybuilders and a pioneer of his time who contributed significantly to bodybuilding and fitness as a sport and hobby.

Bill Pearl Was a Remarkable Wrestler in the U.S. Navy Before Turning His Attention to Bodybuilding

bill pearl workout routine

Later, he got into steroid usage, but he has built his foundation on compound lifts and full-body workout routines similar to other legendary bodybuilders such as Larry Scott and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bill Pearl Workout Routine

Alternate Days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Behind The Neck Chin – Ups415
Swingball Pullovers210
Close Grip Bench Press310
1 – Arm D.B. Rowing310
Swingbell Pullovers110
Incline Side Laterals310
Bent Arm D.B. Side Lateral Raises210
D.B. Flys210
Military Press – Seated210
Triceps Kickbacks310
D.B. Curls & Press310
Triceps Extensions310
Leg Raises300

Alternate Days: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday

Leg Extensions430
D.B. Swings – Warm-Up110
Bent Over Rowing – Barbell310
Lat Pull Downs310
Swingbell Pullover110
Behind The Neck Press310
Breathing Barbell Squats115
Pullover – Straight Arms110
Breathing Barbell Squats110
Pullover – Straight Arms110
Hack Squats – 45 Degree310
Leg Curls – Lying320
Leg Extensions512
Calf Raises – Standing330
Calf Raises – Seated330
Leg Raises300

Day 3: Wednesday – Chest & Triceps

Bench Press512
Incline Bench Press312
DB Press – Flat Bench312
DB Flys – Flat Bench410 – 12
Seated Triceps Extensions – Cambered Bar312
Seated DB Triceps Extensions412
Close Grip Bench Press412

Bill Pearl Workout Routine – For Beginner to Intermediate

Below is the workout routine of Bill Pearl for the beginner to intermediate levels. It’s divided into three-course, and each course has to be performed 3 days a week for six weeks.

Course 1

D.B. Swings110
Leg Raises – On Bench or Floor130
Bent Over Rowing – D.B. or Barbell110
Breathing Barbell Squats215
Bent Arm D.B. Side Lateral Raises Superset W/
Barbell Squats
Calf Raises320
Shoulder Shrugs – Barbell218
Barbell Bench Press28
Seated Cable Rowing28
Behind The Neck Press28
Barbell Curls28
Deadlift – Bent Legs35

Course 2

D.B. Swings110 – 15
Sit-Ups115 – 50
Side Bends – Dumbbell115 – 50
Leg Raises – Alternate110 – 30
Knee Bend – Deep3 – 56 – 8
D.B. Pullover – Bent Arms3 – 58 – 10
Calf Raises315 – 20
Upright Rowing28
Military Press25 – 6
1 – Arm D.B. Rowing38
Deadlift – Bent Legs28
D.B. Press – Incline26 – 8
Bent Arm Side Laterals – D.B.26 – 8
1 – Arm Triceps Extensions – D.B.36 – 8
D.B. Curls – Standing36 – 8

Course 3

Leg Raises125
Barbell Bench Press – Flat55
Behind The Neck Press55
Barbell Rowing56
D.B. Pullovers – Bent Arms38
Barbell Curlsq46
French Press – Barbell46
Box Squats – Barbell45

Bonus: Bill Pearl’s Workout Routine of Mr. Universe (1967)

Below is Bill Pearl’s workout routine, which he did for the preparation of 1967 Mr. Universe:

Alternate Days – Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Twisting Sit-Ups – Alternate1100
Leg Tucks – Incline1100
DB Sit Ups – Incline1100
DB Bends Towards Opposite Foot1100
Side Lateral Raises – Incline48
Chin-Ups – Close Grip48
Side Laterals – Bent Arms48
Chin-Ups – Medium Grip48
Side Laterals – Decline48
Chin-Ups – Wide Grips48
Military Press48
Dips – Weighted48
Behind The Neck Press48
Spider Curls48
D.B. Side Lateral Raises – Standing48
Decline Biceps Curls – D.B.48

Alternate Days – Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday

Sit-Ups – Regular1100
Leg Raise – Alternate Legs1100
Side Bends With Dumbbells1100
Lying Leg Crossovers1100
DB Curls – Standing48
Rear Deltoid Raises – Incline48
D.B. Curls – Incline48
Deltoid Raises – Lying48
Cable Deltoid Raises – Bent Over48
Leg Extensions410
Calf Raises – Standing515
Hack Squats – 45 Degree48
Calf Raises – Seated515
Leg Curls – Lying48
Calf Raises – Leg Press Machine58

Diet & Nutrition of Bill Pearl

Bill is a firm believer in eating fresh, wholesome meals at a similar time every day. Some of the critical points recommended for diet and nutrition by him are like:

  • Have a breakfast that comprises 50 – 75 G.M. protein along with fats, carbohydrates, and fats.
  • He believes in an average daily calorie intake of any healthy male who workouts should be around 2400 – 2800 kcal and increase it over time until it reaches 5000kcal for driving growth.
  • If you can’t reach your calorie intake goals through three meals, increase it up to four to five meals daily.
  • It’s possible to make gains by drinking a quart of milk at the time of working out.
  • Everybody reacts differently, so gauge your sweet spot by keeping your progress and adjusting it accordingly.
  • Most importantly, ensure you’re eating the right types of food, as having poor eating habits will only lead to fat gain.

Physical Statistics of Bill Pearl

  • Height – 5 Feet & 10 Inch
  • Weight – 210 Lbs (95.25 KG)
  • Shoulders – 56 ½ Inch
  • Waist – 32 Inch
  • Biceps – 18 ¾ Inch
  • Neck – 18 Inch
  • Thighs – 26 Inch
  • Hips – 38 ½ Inch
  • Chest – 51 Inch
  • Calves – 17 Inch
  • Wrist – 7 ¾ Inch

Accomplishments of Bill Pearl

  • 1992 – Didn’t Place (Mr. Olympia – I.F.B.B.)
  • 1952 – Placed 3rd (Mr. San Diego)
  • 1952 – Mr. Oceanside
  • 1953 – Mr. Southern California
  • 1953 – Mr. California
  • 1953 – Mr. America (A.A.U.)
  • 1953 – Mr. Universe (Amateur – N.A.B.B.A.)
  • 1956 – Mr. U.S.A. Professional
  • 1956 – Mr. U.S.A. Professional – Tall Man’s Class (N.A.B.B.A.)
  • 1961 – Mr. Professional (N.A.B.B.A.)
  • 1967 – Mr. Universe (N.A.B.B.A.)
  • 1971 – Mr. Universe Professional (N.A.B.B.A.)
  • 1974 – World’s Best – Built Man of the Century (W.B.B.A.)
  • 1978 – W.B.B.A. – Hall Of Fame
  • 1978 – Elected As National Chairman of the Professional Physique Judges Committee (I.F.B.B.)
  • 1988 –Pioneers of Fitness (Hall of Fame)
  • 1988 –Gold’s Gym – Hall of Fame
  • 1994 – Guest of Honor for the Association of Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen Annual Reunion (12th)
  • 1994 – The Joe Weider (Hall of Fame)
  • 1995 – Lifetime Achievement Award (A.A.U.)
  • 1995 – Oscar Heidenstam Foundation (Honoured As Hall Of Fame)
  • 1996 – American Powerlifters Federations – Hall of Fame
  • 1997 – Elected as Man of the Year (International Chiropractors Association Sports & Fitness)
  • 1999 – I.F.B.B. – Hall Of Fame Inductee
  • 2000 – Spirit of Muscle Beach (Award)
  • 2001 – Lifetime Achievement Award (World Gym)
  • 2001 – Lifetime Achievement Award (Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists)
  • 2002 – Canadian Fitness Award (60+ Years of Inspiration to the Industry Award)
  • 2002 – Lifetime Achievement Award (National Fitness Trade Journal)
  • 2003 – Lifetime Achievement Award (Iron Man magazine Peary & Mabel Radar)
  • 2004 – Lifetime Achievement Award (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
  • 2006 – Lifetime Achievement Award (P.D.I. Night of Champions)

Wrapping Up

It’s an old-school, no-frills serious muscle-building workout routine. If you’re thinking of trying this workout routine or you’ve heard about Bill Pearl and have given a try to this workout routine, then let’s know what your thoughts are.

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