Brandon Is an IFBB Professional Men’s Physique Competitor Who Won His IFBB Pro Card in 2013

Brandon is an IFBB Professional Men’s Physique competitor who didn’t start early on, and instead, in the beginning, he was more interested in modeling. Likewise, once he enrolled in college, he even took part in one of a local modeling organization.

In the coming time, fitness has become one hobby and nothing more. But once he participated in Men’s Physique competition in early 2012 and from there on, he became serious about it and started taking it as a full-time job.

And, amazingly within a year, he won his Pro Card in 2013, and from there on, he decided to compete further in IFBB competitions such as the Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia in Men’s Physique.

Training Philosophy Brandon Hendrickson

Like any other IFBB Professional, Brandon also workout according to its goal. For instance, if he has to lose fat for competition preparation, he’ll keep his workout duration longer. Instead, he’ll keep shorter workout sessions if he wants to add muscle mass and may even cut out cardio sessions.

brandon hendrickson workout routine

Brandon Hendrickson’s Workout Routine

Below is one of his workout routine samples that you may like to try. It includes five sessions per week, and he keeps two rest days on Thursday and Sunday.

Monday: Chest

1 Arm Hammer Strength Press312
Machine Press (Incline)312
Cable Flys315
Incline DB Flys Superset W/ DB Underhand Raises310
Peck Deck Flys312
DB Pullover312

Tuesday: Legs

Standing Leg Curls Superset W/ Walking Lunges412
Lying Leg Curls Superset W/ Machine Adduction420
Leg Press (High Feet)16
Let Extensions314
BB Back Squats510 – 15
Leg Press (Narrow Stance)320
Leg Press (Wide Stance)1Drop Set

Wednesday: Shoulders

DB Side Lateral Raises512 – 15
DB Front Lateral Raises410
Machine Press (Reverse)510
Shoulder Press (Machine)410
Upright Rowing W/ EZ Bar412 – 15

Thursday: Rest Day

Friday: Back

Cable Rowing (Wide Grip)4 – 512 – 15
Cable Pullover3 – 412 – 15
1 – Arm Cable Rowing312 – 15
Cable Rowing (Standing)312 – 15
Underhand Cable Rowing312 – 15
Lat Pulldown4 – 58 – 10

Saturday: Arms

1 – Arm Crossbody Triceps Extensions412 – 15
Triceps Extensions Superset W/ Triceps Dips412 – 15
DB Triceps Kickbacks415 – 20
DB Concentration Curls412 – 15
Machine Preacher Curls Superset W/ 1 – Arm Machine Curls512 – 15
Alternate DB Curls412 – 15
EZ Bar Biceps Curls410

Sunday: Back

Brandon Hendrickson Diet Plan

Meal 1:

Meal 2:

  • Cottage Cheese
  • Protein Shake

Meal 3:

  • Lean Fish

Meal 4:

  • Chicken
  • Broccoli

Meal 5:

  • Nuts
  • Cottage Cheese

Physical Statistics of Brandon Hendrickson

  • Height – 5 Feet 8 Inches (172.5 Cm)
  • Weight – 83.9 to 88.5 KG (185 to 195 Pounds)

Wrapping Up – Brandon Hendrickson’s Workout Routine

No, he’s not a famous mainstream IFBB bodybuilder like others. However, he’s not even less than anyone. Likewise, if you’ve got a question about Brandon Hendrickson’s workout routine or his diet plan, then here, we’ve covered one sample of it. We hope you’ll be able to know about how he likes to train. Good luck!

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Satinder Chowdhry