Here’s “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” Movie Starrer Robert Pattinson’s Workout Routine

Robert Pattinson is an English actor known for his role in movies like “Twilight” & “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” He’s also among the highest-paid actors, one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and featured in the Forbes Celebrity 100 list. Further, he has recently started embracing the process of getting into superhero shape according to his movie requirement. In addition, Robert Pattinson’s workout routine is mainly tailored according to his movie demand, which helps him stay well-prepared for the movie role he receives.

robert pattinson workout routine

Robert likes to maintain privacy and doesn’t like sharing much about his workout routine. Hence, it isn’t overly publicized in the media. However, on one occasion, when filming for his role in The Batman, he publicly claimed that he doesn’t work out and even told GQ back in 2020 that he barely does anything.

Robert Pattinson’s Workout Principles

Though once he claimed that he doesn’t do much workout, he later confessed that he likes to stay well prepared for the movie role he receives and for, which it includes working out, especially for movie roles. Hence, when it comes to workouts and diet, he likes to stay strict.

Robert Pattinson’s Workout Routine

Robert focuses on hitting weight and has regularly worked out since everyone first saw him in the movie “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” Nonetheless, here below is one of his workout routines of him that include different sessions per muscle group along with a core workout:

Monday – Chest

BB Bench Press56-10
Incline BB Bench Press56-10
DB Press56-10
DB Flys56-10
DB Hex Press56-10
Cable Flys56-10

Tuesday – Back

Pull – Ups56-10
Lat Pulldown56-10
Cable Rowing56-10
1 – Arm DB Rowing56-10
Standing Lat Pushdown56-10
DB Pullover56-10
BB Deadlift56-10

Wednesday –Shoulders

DB Shoulder Press56-10
Military Press56-10
DB Side Lateral Raises56-10
DB Front Lateral Raises56-10
Cable Side Lateral Raises56-10
DB Deltoid Flys56-10

Thursday –Arms

Biceps Curls56-10
DB Concentration Curls56-10
BB Curls56-10
Preacher Curls56-10
Triceps Overhead Press56-10
Skull Crushers56-10
Triceps Pushdowns56-10

Friday –Legs

BB Back Squats56-10
Hack Squats56-10
Leg Press56-10
Leg Extensions56-10
Leg Curls56-10
Calf Raises56-10

Core Workout

Reverse Crunches415-20
Leg Raises415-20
Heel Touches415-20
Russian Twists415-20
Planks41 Min
Elbow to High Plank415-20
Side Planks415-20

Saturday & Sunday – Rest Day

Robert Pattinson’s Diet Plan

Robert is very choosy when it comes to his food choices. And one of his favorite meals includes microwaved pasta layered with tomato sauce and hamburgers. Nonetheless, here below is one of the diet plans that doesn’t include any processed foods.

Meal 1:

  • Omelet
  • Toast
  • Coffee

Meal 2:

  • Fruits

Meal 3 

  • Fish
  • Vegetables

Meal 4:

  • Steak
  • Rice


Our Closing Thoughts on Robert Pattinson’s Workout Routine

Robert is a popular movie star who didn’t get into fitness and working out initially, specifically for movie roles. Instead, he even criticized Hollywood for expecting male action stars to transform their bodies for movies. However, as time passed, he started accepting and taking training seriously for the movie role demands. Similarly, if you have questions about Robert Pattinson’s workout routine, here we’ve covered one along with a diet plan. We hope you’d like to give it a try. Good luck!

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