Ryan Terry Is the UK Based Globally Known IFBB Men’s Physique Competitor & Model

Ryan Terry is one of the perfect examples of someone succeeding in life, and he made it true that if there’s the right determination and drive, anyone can succeed. He has proved to succeed, you’ve to stand against the world’s best competitors, and you should be the best. He believes in hard work and having a great amount of passion for improving yourself.

Furthermore, early in 2010, he became Mr. International and Mr. Great Britain. A few years later, he got involved in a bodybuilding competition, became an IFBB professional bodybuilder, and won the UKBFF competition while becoming the first “Men’s Physique” professional from the UK.

Similarly, in 2015s Mr. Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown, he was placed fourth. And he also appeared in Men’s Health and many other fitness magazines and commercials throughout his career.

ryan terry workout routine

However, if you’re wondering what Ryan Terry’s workout routine or diet plan looks like, don’t be disappointed we’re covering the same.

Ryan Terry’s Workout Routine

Monday: Back

Pull-Ups (Wide Grip)412 – 15 
Lat Pulldowns (Wide Grip)412 – 15
Lat Pulldowns (Close Grip)312 – 15
Seated Cable Rowing (Close Grip)312 – 15
BB Bent Over Rowing412 – 15 
BB Deadlifts48 – 10

Tuesday: Arms & Abs

Triceps Dips48
1 – Arm Triceps Cable Pushdowns310 – 12
Skull Crushers310 – 12
EZ Bar BB Curls38 – 10
1 – Arm DB Curls48 – 10
DB Hammer Curls38 – 10 
Side Oblique Twists320
Crunches – Weighted312 – 15

Wednesday: Legs

BB Back Squats410
Hack Squats38 – 10
Leg Press312
Leg Extensions312 – 15

Thursday: Shoulders

DB Side Lateral Raises410 – 12
Shoulder Press38 – 10
Front Lateral Raises (Straight Arms)315
Cable Machine Rear Deltoid Raises315
Shrugs W/ Olympic Barbell315
Rear Shrugs W/ Olympic Barbell315

Friday: Chest & Abs

Incline BB Bench Press410 – 12
Cable Flys410 – 12
Incline DB Flys312 – 15
Hanging Leg Raises (Straight Leg)3Till Failure
Crunches312 – 15
Cable Woodchops315 – 20

Saturday: Legs

Seated Leg Curls – Single Leg410 – 12
Leg Curls – Lying410 – 12
Walking Lunges (Weighted)310
Calf Raises (Seated)310
Calf Raises (Smith Machine)330

Sunday – Rest Day

Ryan Terry’s Diet Plan

Meal 1:

  • Dry Oats – 150 Grams
  • Blueberries – 40 Grams
  • Flaked Almonds – 15 Grams
  • Egg Whites – 10
  • Flaxseed Powder – 1 Tsp
  • Coconut Oil – 1 Tsp

Meal 2:

  • Turkey Breast – 200 Grams
  • White Potato or Sweet Potato – 300 Grams
  • Green Vegetables or Spinach – 100 Grams

Meal 3:

  • Tuna Steak – 1
  • Dry Brown Basmati Rice – 75 Grams
  • Broccoli or Asparagus – 110 Grams
  • Half Avocado Mixed W/ Green Vegetables & Rice – 1 Serving

Meal 4:

  • Chicken Breast – 170 Grams
  • White Potato – 300 Grams
  • Green Vegetables or Spinach – 100 Grams

Meal 5:

  • Steak – 250 Grams
  • Sweet Potato – 300 Grams
  • Asparagus or Broccoli – 110 Grams

Meal 6:

  • Salmon Fillet – 200 Grams
  • Asparagus or Mixed Salad
  • Half Avocado

Physical Statistics of Ryan Terry

  • Height – 5 Feet 10 Inches (177.5 Cm)
  • Weight – 185 to 195 Lbs (83.9 – 88.5 KG)

Wrapping Up – Ryan Terry’s Workout Routine

Ryan has started working out at a very young age. The main motivation behind starting was to increase his self-confidence and health in general. And even in childhood, he was active and used to participate in various activities, including sports, which made him competitive from a very early age. Nonetheless, once he started getting results, he became passionate about bodybuilding, making him what he is today.

Here, we’ve covered one of Ryan Terry’s workout routines and diet plans, and we hope you get an idea of how he schedules it and how many exercises he involves per session.

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