Brandon Curry Was a Sporty Child Who Use to Take Part in Track & Field, Gymnastics, Wrestling, and Football

Brandon Curry is one of the famous IFBB pro bodybuilders known for frequently changing everything within his training routine. For instance, he would go for hypertrophy for a week, and sometimes he would even train only twice a week. He’s a firm believer that changing workout gives him the most muscle gains.

Nevertheless, if you’re his fan and have questioned Brandon Curry’s workout routine, what supplements he uses, or Brandon’s diet plan, keep reading. Here, we’re discussing the same.

About Brandon Curry

Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Brandon Curry first got his interest in weight training from his sixth birthday, where he received a pair of Hulk Hogan branded dumbbells. Like other famous IFBB bodybuilders, Brandon was also involved in sports from a young age. Likewise, he participates in different sports such as Wrestling, Football, and other gymnastic games in his teenage years.

But, after sometimes Brandon got interested in building and even moved with the plan to make a career within the fitness industry. In his earlier years, he became a certified personal trainer, and later after debuting as a pro bodybuilder, he even achieved his dream of becoming an athlete as a bodybuilder.

brandon curry workout routine

Brandon Curry’s Workout Routine

Below is one of the five days a week workout routine of Brandon Curry:

Day 1: Legs


BB Back Squats


Working Set





6 – 12

10 – 15

Leg Press


Working Set 





10 – 15

6 – 12 45 Degree Hack Squats

45 Degree Hack Squats 26 – 12
Seated Leg Curls36 – 12
Lying Leg Curls36 – 12
Leg Extensions36 – 12
Standing Calf Raises36 – 12

Day 2: Push


DB Incline Press


Working Set





6 – 12

10 – 15

DB Flys 310 – 15

DB Shoulder Press


Working Set





10 – 15

6 – 12

DB Side Lateral Raises 36 – 12
Triceps Pushdowns36 – 12
BB Skull Crushers36 – 15

Day 3: Pull


BB Bent Over Rowing


Working Set





6 – 12

10 – 15

Lat Pulldowns 310 – 15
1 – Arm DB Rowing36 – 12

BB Shrugs


Working Set





10 – 15

6 – 12

DB Preacher Curls 36 – 12
DB Hammer Curls26 – 12

Day 4: Lower Body

BB Front Squats312 – 20
BB Romanian Deadlifts312 – 15
Leg Extensions412 – 20
Lying Leg Curls412 – 20
BB Lunges48 / Leg
Calf Raises – Seated315 – 25

Day 5: Upper Body

DB Incline Press312 – 15
Dips3Till Failure
Machine Rowing312 – 15
Lat Pulldowns312 – 15
DB Side Lateral Raises315 – 25
DB Preacher Curls315 – 25
DB Rear Delt Flys315 – 25
Triceps Pushdowns315 – 20

Day 6 & 7:  Rest Day

Brandon Curry’s Diet Plan

Brandon Curry’s diet plan is quite like old-school bodybuilders. He goes for high protein with a good and balanced carb-rich diet plan.

Meal 1:

  • Lean Beef – 8 Oz
  • Egg Whites – 4
  • Grits – 3 Oz
  • Whole Wheat Toast – 2 Slices

Meal 2:

  • Chicken Breast – 8 Oz
  • Rice – 1.5 Cups
  • Green Vegetables

Meal 3:

  • Chicken Breast – 8 Oz
  • Potato – 10 Oz
  • Green Vegetables

Meal 4:

  • Salmon Fish – 8 Oz
  • Rice – 1.5 Cups
  • Green Vegetables

Meal 5:

Meal 6:

  • Any Meal W/ Cheese

Brandon Curry’s Supplement Stack

  • Multivitamin
  • Fat Burner
  • ZMA
  • Protein Shake
  • Pre – Workout

Physical Statistics of Brandon Curry

  • Height – 5 Feet & 8 Inch (172.5 cm)
  • Weight – 255 to 265lbs (115.7 to 120.2 kg)

Olympia Results

  • 2020 – Placed 2nd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2019 – Placed 1st (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2018 – Placed 5th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2017 – Placed 8th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2011 – Placed 8th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)

Wrapping Up

Brandon Curry is one of the famous and leading IFBB pro bodybuilders who started at a young age, and later, he won his debut competition earlier in 2003. Likewise, since his first competition, he became serious and started competing regularly while improving every year, and later, he even made it to Mr. Olympia. However, if you’re his fan or had questions such as Brandon Curry’s workout routine or diet plan, we hope this article may have proven helpful. Good luck!

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