2 Times Mr. Olympia Winner Dexter Jackson Is Nicknamed As “The Blade” Due to His Sharp & Lean Physique

Born in Jacksonville, Florida,two-time winner of Mr. Olympia, Dexter Jackson, AKA “The Blade,” is a professional competitive bodybuilder who’s is among the oldest bodybuilder whois in the game since 1999.H e’s one of the rare bodybuilders of history who has won the most professional bodybuilding titles than anyone else.

Being an enthusiast for physical activity from an early age, Dexter has always been involved with different sports. For example, the time he entered high school, he started playing football. Likewise, he has shown interest in being a gymnastic, breakdance, and even 4th Degree black belt in karate.

Popular for His Incredible Conditioning That He Takes On the Stage Every Year He Has Dominated the Bodybuilding Sports for More Than 3 Decades

Similar to other bodybuilders, he also believes in moderate volume and moderate repetitions. Keeping his workout philosophy simple, he’s more into compound movements and suggests the same to beginners.

dexter jackson workout routine

Though, he has changed many workout routines and diet plans according to his goal. But, the typical bodybuilding routine of Dexter Jackson looks something like below.

Dexter Jacksons Workout Routine (Pre – Contest Workout)

Here’s one of the typical pre-contest workout routines of Dexter Jackson that includes 5 days of strength training along with an abs workout routine.

Day 1 – Monday: Quads

Leg Extensions420 – 30
BB Squats48 – 10
45 – Degree Hack Squats48 – 10
Leg Extensions310

Day 2 – Tuesday: Chest & Calves

BB Bench Press48 – 10
Incline DB Press48 – 10
DB Flys48 – 10
Calf Raises (Standing)48 – 10
Calf Raises (Seated)410 – 15

Day 3 – Wednesday: Back

Lat Pulldowns48 – 10
T – Bar Rowing48 – 10
BB Deadlifts48 – 10
Seated Cable Rowing38 – 10

Day 4 – Thursday: Shoulders & Hamstrings

DB Press48 – 10
Incline DB Side Lateral Raises38 – 10
Rear Deltoid Raises48 – 10
Leg Curls (Seated)510


Leg Curls (Lying)

BB Stiffed Leg Deadlifts







Day 5 – Friday: Biceps & Triceps

EZ – Bar Curls48 – 10
DB Hammer Curls48 – 10
Preacher Curls48 – 10


Triceps Pushdowns


Triceps Rope Pushdowns






8 – 10

8 – 10

8 – 10

Cardio & Abs Workout

Knee – Ups340
Crunches (Using Cable)330

Dexter Jackson’s Workout Routine

Here’s another workout plan of Dexter Jackson:

Day 1 – Monday: Chest & Biceps

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press38 – 10
BB Bench Press38 – 10
DB Flys38 – 10
BB Preacher Curls38 – 10
Overhead Cable Curls – Seated38 – 10

Day 2 – Tuesday: Quads & Calves

Leg Extensions315 – 20
Leg Press410
Front Squats (Smith Machine)310
Leg Extensions320
DB Lunges3Till Failure
Calf Raises (Standing)310 – 15
Calf Raises (Seated)310 – 15

Day 3 – Wednesday: Rest Day

Day 4 – Thursday: Shoulders, Triceps & Calves

Seated DB Press310
Seated Side Lateral Raises (Machine / DB)312 – 15
Rear Lateral Raises312 – 15
Triceps Pushdowns4 – 510
Skull Crushers or Triceps Dips4 – 510
Rope Pushdowns4 – 510
Calf Raises (Standing)310 – 15
Calf Raises (Seated)310 – 15

Day 5 – Friday: Back & Hamstrings

Lat Pulldowns48 – 10
BB Deadlifts310
T – Bar Rowing38 – 10
Leg Curls (Lying)310 – 15
Single Leg Curls (Kneeling)38 – 10

Day 6 – Saturday: Rest Day

Day 7 – Sunday: Rest Day

Dexter Jackson’s Meal Plan

Here’s Dexter Jackson’s diet plan that’s divided into the proper proportion of protein, carbohydrates, and good healthy fats:

Meal 1

  • Steak or Oatmeal – 7 Ounces
  • Whole Eggs – 2
  • 1 Packet of Grits – 1 Ounce

Meal 2

  • Chicken or COD – 8 Ounces
  • White Rice – 2 Cups

Meal 3

  • COD or Chicken – 8 Ounces
  • White Rice – 2 Cups

Meal 4

  • COD or Chicken – 8 Ounces
  • White Rice – 2 Cups

Meal 5

  • Chicken – 10 Ounces
  • Large Green Salad


  • Creatine
  • Multivitamin
  • BCAAs

Physical Statistics of Dexter Jackson

  • Height – 5 Feet &5 Inch
  • Weight – 215 – 225 Lbs (93 Kg – 102.1 Kg)
  • Arms – 20 Inch
  • Chest – 52 Inch

Wrapping Up

Dexter has proved that age is nothing but a number in his more than two-decades-long reign in bodybuilding. He is among the most respected and senior Mr. Olympia’s competitor who’s known for bringing great conditioning on the stage. If you’re intrigued by his physique and wondering what his workout routine is or what’s the diet plan, you can go through this article.

Lastly, according to him, building a physique requires consistency and dedication. And, he’s a firm believer in involving compound movements in training routines.

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