Cedric Is the Beast With the Height 6’1 & 300 Lbs Weight Who Is the US Army Instructor Which Makes Him More Dangerous

Born and brought up in New Jersey, USA, Cedric has always been passionate about bodybuilding. He is so in love with bodybuilding that he often used to draw pictures of the muscular body in his younger days and talk about muscles, despite having no real knowledge of bodybuilding.

However, he followed his dream, and sooner it becomes a reality. Today, Cedric McMillan is one of the massive bodybuilders ever, who is also known as the “Black Arnold” because of a massive, aesthetic, and muscular physique.

Cedric Is an Army Instructor, IFBB Pro Popularly Known As the Black Arnold Schwarzenegger

cedric mcmillan workout routine

Later on, in his professional career, Cedric spent time serving the US Army, where he learned to push his limits and built a formidable physique with training. Later during his serving in the forces, Cedric took the step of entering the first bodybuilding competition, the NPC North Carolina that proved to be one of his best decisions. Later in 2009, he also won his Pro Card.

Cedric McMillan Workout Routine

Unlike other popular bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger or Phil Heath, he may not have enough training experience, but his training routine isn’t less than anyone. Cedric McMillan’s workout routine includes a typical six-day routine that consists of different body parts. Below is one such workout plan of Cedric McMillan:

Monday: Shoulders

DB Side Lateral Raises330
Steering Wheel240
DB Shoulder Press212
DB Partial Side Lateral Raises235
DB Rear Deltoid Raises110

Tuesday: Quadriceps

Leg Extensions112 – 20
Leg Press112 – 20
Walking Lunges /Without Weight40 Steps
Leg Extensions120

Wednesday: Back

Pull-Ups312 – 20
Lat Pulldowns312 – 20
Seated Cable Rowing312
Bent – Over BB Rowing312
1 – Arm Seated Cable Pulldowns312

Thursday: Chest

Pec Deck Flys412 – 20
Cable Crossovers212 – 20
Incline DB Flys312
Incline BB Press220

Friday: Arms

Decline DB Triceps Extensions312 – 20
Overhead Triceps Cable Extensions312 – 20
BB Curls220
Cable Curls (Low – Pulley)220
DB Concentration Curls212 – 20 

Saturday: Hamstrings

Seated Leg Curls312
Stiffed Leg Deadlift312
Single Leg Curls220
Lying Leg Curls220

Sunday: Rest Day

Another Workout Routine of Cedric McMillan

Here below is another workout routine of Cedric McMillan:


Pec Deck Fly412
Cable Crossovers412 – 15
Low Incline DB Flys312
Incline BB Press120


Bent Over BB Rowing312
Lat Pulldowns312
1 – Arm Cable Pullover312
Hyperextensions320 – 25


Smith Machine Press312
Cable Side Lateral Raises312
DB Bent Over Lateral Raises312
Forward DB Press412


Leg Extensions312
Seated Leg Curls312
Lying Leg Curls2 – 312
Standing Calf Raises510 – 12


Overhead Triceps Extensions312
Standing BB Curls220
DB Concentration Curls220
Decline Lying Triceps Extensions312

Cedric McMillan Diet Plan

Like other pro bodybuilders, he’s also the big believer in having a high protein diet. And, one such diet plan of McMillan is:

Meal 1

  • Oats
  • Egg Whites
  • Whole Egg

Meal 2

  • Chicken Breast
  • Rice
  • Green Vegetables

Meal 3

  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Green Vegetables
  • Red Meat

Meal 4

  • White Fish
  • Rice
  • Green Vegetables

Meal 5

Meal 6

  • Red Meat W/ Green Salad

Physical Statistics of Cedric McMillan

  • Height – 6 Feet &1 Inch
  • Weight – 295 Lbs to 310Lbs (133.8 Kg – 140.6 Kg)

Olympia Results

  • 2019 – Placed 7th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2018 – Placed 9th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2017 – Placed 10th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2016 – Placed 7th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2013 – Placed 12th(Mr. Olympia – IFBB)

Wrapping Up

Cedric McMillan’s success story is something that should be remembered. He’s one of the hardest working person in the realms of IFBB professional bodybuilders. Cedric continued to become the better version of himself year after year by adding more and more conditioned muscles.

If you’ve ever wondered what Cedric’s workout plan is or what type of workout routine he follows, then we hope this piece article may have proven helpful.

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