Evan Centopani Is an IFBB Professional Bodybuilder From Connecticut, USA

Born on April 7th, 1981, Evan Centopani is an IFBB American professional bodybuilder globally known for his long-time sponsorship with Universal Nutrition, Animal. Likewise, you may have seen his pictures in Animal Cuts fat burner cans.

However, if you’re his fan and have questions such as what’s Evan Centopani’s workout routine or what diet plan he follows, then you’re reading the right article.

evan centopanis workout routine

Here we’ll discuss the same.

Evan Centopani Workout Routine – 1

Monday: Shoulders & Triceps

BB Shoulder Press115
DB Side Lateral Raises210 – 15
Reverse Pec Deck Flys210 – 15
Triceps Rope Extensions210 – 15
Cable Pushdowns (Wide Grip)28 – 10

Tuesday: Quads

BB Back Squats210 – 15
Leg Press210 – 15
Walking DB Lunges216 – 20

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: Back

Seated Cable Rowing (Narrow Grip)310 – 15
Bent Over BB Rowing28 – 12
Cable Pullovers315 – 20
1 – Arm DB Rowing115

Friday: Chest, Biceps & Abs

Flat BB Bench Press210 – 15
Incline BB Bench Press38 – 10
Incline DB Bench Press38 – 10
Cable Crossover Flys210 – 12
DB Preacher Curls28 – 12
BB Curls28 – 12

Saturday: Hamstrings & Calves

Standing 1 Leg Curls28 – 20
Glute Ham Raises210 – 14
BB Deadlifts210 – 24
Standing 1 – Leg Calf Raises36 – 8
Seated Calf Raises315 – 20
Standing Calf Raises310 – 15

Sunday: Rest Day

Evan Centopani Diet Plan

For IFBB professionals, diet is the most crucial part, and Evan is no different from others. Here’s one of the diet plan of Evan Centopani that helps him stay in shape:

Meal 1

  • Egg Whites – 6

Meal 2

  • Chicken – 8 Oz
  • Macadamia Nuts – 1/3 Cup

Meal 3

  • Iso Whey – 50 Grams
  • Peanut Butter – 2 Tbsp

Meal 4

  • Chicken – 8 Oz
  • Macadamia Nuts – 1/3 Cup

Meal 5

  • Steak – 8 Oz
  • Broccoli – 2 Cups
  • Olive Oil – 2 Tbsp

Meal 6

  • Iso Whey – 50 Grams
  • Peanut Butter – 2 Tbsp

Physical Statistics of Branch Warren

  • Height – 5 Feet &11 Inch
  • Weight – 255 to 265lbs (115.7 to2kg)

Olympia Results

  • 2013 – Placed 13th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2012 – Placed 8th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)

About Evan Centopani

Born to an Italian American father and English mother, Evan Centopani is a popular bodybuilder who has always struggled with weight. For instance, in his childhood days, he reached around 220 pounds at the mere age of 12. Being a true meso-endomorph, Evan is one of those who gains muscle mass and strength fairly quickly but also fat at the same time.

However, from the age of 15, he got into muscle building and got obsessed with the same. And, later started focusing on nutrition equally like his workouts and led to competition. Finally, in 2007 he took his Pro Card and started his professional career in bodybuilding.

Wrapping Up

Evan Centopani is an example that you need more self-discipline and consistency before genetics. Being an endo-mesomorph and an IFBB pro says a lot about his passion and love for bodybuilding.

However, if you’ve used Animal supplements, you know about him, and if you have questions like the Evan Centopani workout routine, we hope this article may have proven helpful. Good luck!

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