Mike O’Hearn Is an American Bodybuilder, Entrepreneur, Powerlifter, Actor & Model

Born on January 26, 1969, Michael O’Hearn, popularly known as Mike O’Hearn, is an American bodybuilder, powerlifter, actor, and fitness model. He has been featured in 500+ magazine covers, has been awarded as Fitness Model of the Year seven times, and a four-time Mr. Universe (Natural).

Like other old-school bodybuilders, he’s also popular for prioritizing movements like squats, bench press, and deadlift in his daily workout routine. Put simply, his training philosophy is like old-era bodybuilders, and he’s a firm believer in lifting heavy.

mike ohearn workout routine

However, if you’re having questions and wondering what’s Mike O’Hearn’s workout routine or what type of diet he follows that helps him stay strong, then keep reading.

Mike O’Hearn’s Workout Routine – 1

Below is Mike O’Hearn’s typical workout routine that involves five-day strength training along with two rest days. Likewise, he believes in first warming up his body with two sets, and then he starts with his actual working sets.

Monday: Chest & Abs

BB Incline Bench Press2Warm-Up
BB Incline Bench Press65
DB Bench Press4 – 510
Incline DB Flys38 – 10
CardioTreadmill30 Min

Tuesday: Legs & Abs

CardioTreadmill30 Min
BB Back Squats1 – 3Warm-Up
BB Back Squats73
Leg Press510
Leg Extensions38

Wednesday: Shoulders & Abs

Standing BB Military Press38
Upright BB Rowing38
DB Side Lateral Raises412
Seated Bent-Over Rear DB Deltoid Raises412
CardioTreadmill30 Min

Thursday: Arms & Abs

BB Curls38 – 12
Seated DB Curls38 – 12
Preacher Curls38 – 12
Lying Triceps Extensions48 – 12
Triceps Pushdowns48 – 12
DB Incline Triceps Extensions48 – 12
CardioTreadmill30 Min

Friday: Back & Abs

BB Deadlift1 – 3Warm-Up
BB Deadlift72
1 – Arm DB Rowing510
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown38
CardioTreadmill30 Min

Saturday & Sunday:  Rest Day

Mike O’Hearn’s Workout Routine – 2

Here’s another workout routine of Mike O’Hearn that’s a pretty bodybuilding style AM/PM workout. When he trains twice a day, he usually splits his workout into two different muscles. So, for example, when he’s training legs, he’ll choose to go with quadriceps exercises in the morning, and later in the afternoon, he’ll go for hamstrings exercises.

Monday Morning: Quads

BB Back Squats5 – 72 – 4
Leg Press410 – 12
45 – Degree Hack Squats410 – 12
Leg Extensions410 – 12

Monday Afternoon: Hamstrings

Lying Leg Curls410 – 12
Leg Curls – Seated410 – 12
BB Walking Lunges410 – 12

Monday Night: Cardio

Judo Classes for 2 Hrs

Tuesday Morning: Chest

BB Bench Press5 – 72 – 4
Incline BB Bench Press48
Decline BB Bench Press48
DB Flys48

Tuesday Afternoon: Abs

Decline Sit – Ups (45 Pound Plate Behind The Head) – 3 x 10

Wednesday Morning: Back 

BB Deadlifts72
BB Bent Over Rowing48
Cable Seated Rowing48
BB Shrugs48

Wednesday Afternoon: Calves & Abs

  • Calf Raises (Standing) – 5 x 20
  • Decline Sit – Ups (45 Pound Plate Behind The Head) – 3 x 10

Wednesday Night: Cardio

  • MMA Training – 2 Hrs

Thursday Morning: Arms

Incline DB Curls (45 Degree)410
Straight Bar Curls (Standing)410
Preacher Curls W/ EZ – Bar410
Close Grip BB Bench Press410
Triceps Pushdowns410
Triceps Lying Extensions410

Thursday Afternoon: Calves & Abs

  • Calf Raises – 5 x 20
  • Decline Sit – Ups (45 Pound Plate Behind The Head) – 3 x 10

Friday Morning: Shoulders

Clean & Jerk W/ DB410
Behind The Neck Press48
Upright Rowing (Narrow Grip)48
DB Front Raises410
Rear Deltoid Machine Laterals410

Friday Night: Cardio

  • Judo – 2 Hrs

Saturday & Sunday:  Rest Day

Mike O’Hearn’s Diet Plan

Being a four-time Mr. Universe is not easy. It requires complete dedication to workouts and a diet that involves high protein daily for years and years. Below is one such Mike O’Hearn’s diet plan:

Meal 1:        

  • Baked Salmon – 12 Ounces
  • White Rice – 1 Cup
  • Multivitamin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Fat – Burners

Meal 2:

  • Baked Chicken – 12 Ounces
  • Oatmeal – 1 Cup
  • BCAAs
  • Vitamin C
  • Multivitamin

Meal 3:

  • Steak – 8 Ounces
  • Rice – 1 Cup
  • Broccoli – 1 Cup
  • Multivitamin
  • L – Glutamine
  • BCAAs
  • Vitamin C

Meal 4:

  • Chicken Salad
  • Chicken W/ Lemon (No Dressing) – 8 Ounces

Meal 5:

  • Steak – 8 Ounces
  • Asparagus – 1 Cup
  • Multivitamin

Meal 6:

  • Salmon – 16 Ounces
  • BCAAs
  • HTTP
  • L – Glutamine
  • Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc

Supplements of Mike O’Hearn

  • BCAA Blends
  • Glutamine
  • Fish Oils
  • Amino Acids
  • Vitamin C
  • B – Complex
  • Multivitamins

Physical Statistics of Mike O’Hearn

  • Height – 6 Feet & 3 Inch
  • Weight – 245 to 255lbs (111.1 kg to 115.7 kg)
  • Arms – 21 Inch
  • Waist – 34 Inch

Lifting Record

  • BB Back Squats – 815 Lbs (370 KG)
  • Bench Press – 505 Lbs (230 KG)
  • BB Deadlift – 760 Lbs (345 KG)

Wrapping Up

Mike O’Hearn is a popular bodybuilder and powerlifter as well. It means while being aesthetically pleasing, he’s also strong as hell. If you’re his fan or wanted to know Mike O’Hearn’s workout routine, diet plan, or what supplements he takes, we hope this article may have proven helpful.

Likewise, if you’re a beginner who doesn’t have enough workout experience, then we recommend going with other workout routines that don’t get taxing on your body. Good luck!

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