Lose Weight & Gain Muscles – 90 Days Workout Program That You Should Try

Globally known fitness icon Jamie Eason Middleton has made a positive impact that has reached beyond Bodybuilding.com. She’s a model, cancer survivor, women’s fitness enthusiast, wife, and mother.

Jamie is known for many works in the fitness industry like healthy recipes, motivational photos, articles, but one another reason she’s quite famous for is her LiveFit trainer workout program, which has helped change many people’s lives.

Jamie Eason

Jamie has proven again and again that weight lifting and building muscles are not based on gender, and both men and women are equally capable of doing it. All her fans have proven and tested results that squatting, deadlifting, and bench press have made them healthier, stronger, and happier with their looks.

Though she has made a tremendous impact in the realms of fitness, that hasn’t stopped her from doing more. Here, we’ve her another 12-week workout program named “From Flat to All That” that has given good results like the previous popular workout routine LiveFit trainer.

 “From Flat to All That” Is Jamie Eason’s Another Workout Program That’s More Focused on the Lower Body, Especially the Glutes.

If you’re thinking of changing your workout routine or did a LiveFit trainer workout earlier, this 12-week workout program “From Flat to All That” is something you should try.

Jamie Eason From Flat to All That – 90 Day Workout Routine

“From Flat to All That” is a 12-week program that focuses more on the lower body. From beginner to intermediate, it’s a good workout program to start with, which will help you shed those extra weights and gain muscles. This workout program is divided into a 2-week cycle that means you’ll be doing one workout two times a week, and then it’ll change.

Week 1 & 2 Workout

It starts with the circuit that you’ve to perform two to three times for the first two weeks, which should be performed without any break in between. Once you complete the first round, then wait for two to three minutes, then do another round, and so on.

Circuit 1: Monday & Thursday

Sr.Circuit 1 (Monday & Thursday)SetsReps
1Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip)115 – 20
2Incline DB Press115 – 20
3Barbell Squats (Wide Stance)115 – 20
4Barbell Preacher Curls115 – 20
5Seated Cable Rowing115 – 20
6Barbell Squats (Narrow Stance)115 – 20
7Lying Triceps Extensions115 – 20
8Dumbbell Shoulder Press115 – 20
9Front Barbell Squats115 – 20

Circuit 2 (Tuesday & Friday)

Sr.Circuit 2 (Tuesday & Friday)SetsReps
1Arnold Press (Seated)115 – 20
2Push ups (Wide)115 – 20
3Barbell Deadlift115 – 20
4Lat Pull Down (Reverse Grip)115 – 20
5Incline Dumbbell Curls115 – 20
6Barbell Deadlift115 – 20
7Triceps Pushdowns (Rope)115 – 20
8Calf Raises (Standing)115 – 20
9Barbell Deadlift115 – 20


If you’re a beginner, then perform circuit in succession for 1 time, 2 times as an intermediate, and three times if you’re an advanced person who has prior knowledge of working out.

From the third week onwards, you’ll get the feel of a real workout routine, as you’ll be doing different body parts divided into six days a week and one day rest, which is ideally seen in bodybuilding workout routines.

Week 3 & 4 Workout


Sr.Glutes & AbsSetsReps
1Barbell Squats3  10
2Barbell Hip Thrusts312
3Barbell Deadlift310
4Single Leg Squats310
5Abduction W/ Bands or Machine320
6Straight Leg Crunches (Weighted)320
7Heels to ceilings Crunches 320
8Bicycle Crunches320


Sr.Shoulders, Triceps & CardioSetsReps
1Dumbbell Shoulder Press310
2Front Lateral Raises3  10
3Lateral Raises (45 Degree Incline Lying)310
4Rear Deltoid (Rope Pulls)310
5Push-Ups (Narrow)320
6Incline Bench Triceps Extensions320
 CARDIO Repeat for 6 Times
7Step Mills 3 Minutes
8Jumping Lunges 20
9Bicycle Crunches 25


Sr.Chest & AbsSetsReps
1Chest Press (Incline)310
2Push-Ups (Wide)3  20
3Dumbbell Pullovers310
4Cable Flyes310
5Up-up & Down- down Plank Push-Ups320
6V-Ups 312
7Ab Tucks (Swiss Ball)312


Sr.Glutes, Hamstrings & CalvesSetsReps
1Leg Extensions (Warm-Up)320
2Walking Lunges3  20
3Barbell Wide Squats320
4Zercher High Step-ups310 / Leg
5Leg Curls (Lying)312
6Hyperextensions (Weighted)312
7Calf Raises (Standing)320
8Calf Raises (Seated)320


Sr.Back, Biceps & CardioSetsReps
1Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip)312
2Lat Pull Down (Narrow Grip)3  12
3Incline Bench Dumbbell Rowing312
4Straight Arms Pushdowns312
5Alternate Dumbbell Bicep Curls310 / Side
6Seated Concentration Curls310 / Side
7Cable Curls315
8Treadmill – Cardio 20Min HIIT


Sr.Legs, Calves & AbsSetsReps
1Leg Press410
2Squats (Single Leg)3  10
3Leg Extensions410
4Barbell Squats (Sumo)310
5Barbell Deadlift410
6Calf Raises (Seated)320
7Calf Raises (Standing)320
8Side Crunches320 /Side
9Ab Scissor Kicks320
10Ab Crunches (Reverse)320

Week 5 & 6 Workout


Sr.Glutes & AbsSetsReps
1Goblet Squats4  20
2Step-Ups (Weighted)320 / Side
3Barbell Hip Thrusts320
4Side-Lying Hip Raise With Isometric Leg Raise310 / Side
5Glute Bridges (Weighted)420
6Plank31 Minute
7Plank Toe Taps310 / Side
9Straight Leg Reverse Crunches 320


Sr.Shoulders, Triceps & CardioSetsReps
1Side DB Lateral Raises310
21 Arm Dumbbell Snatch3  10 / Arm
3DB Arnold Press310
4Upright Rowing310
5Rear Deltoid Raises (Last – Drop Set)310
6DB Overhead Tricep Extensions310
7Triceps Dips310
8Pushdowns (Rope)310
9CARDIO (Treadmill or Stationery Bicycle)20 MinHIIT


Sr.Chest & AbsSetsReps
1Bench Press (Barbell)310
2Push-ups (Decline / Feet Elevated)3  10
3Incline DB Press310
4Side – to – Side Push-Ups310
5DB Flys (Flat Bench)310
61 – Arm Hammer Strength Press 310 / Arm
7Plank Superset W/ Spiderman312 (6 / Side)
8V – Ups 312
9Abs Tucks using Swiss Ball312


Sr.Glutes, Hamstrings & CalvesSetsReps
1Leg Press (Feet Position High & Wide)412
2BB Good Mornings410
3BB Squats (Normal Stance)46
4Standing Abductor W/ Cable (Abductor = Outward)310 / Side
5BB Straight Leg Deadlift Superset W/ Seated Leg Curls310
6Rope Skipping3100
7Donkey Calf Raises320
8Calf Raises (Seated)320


Sr.Back, Biceps & CardioSetsReps
21 Arm DB Rowing310 / Side
3Seated Cable Rowing310
5Incline DB Curls310
6DB Curls – Using 21s Technique321
7DB In & Out Curls310
8CARDIO (Treadmill or Stationery Bicycle) 20Min HIIT


Sr.Legs, Calves & AbsSetsReps
1BB Squats (Deep)412
2Leg Extensions Superset W/ Step Ups3  12
3Walking Lunges (Long Stance)320 (10 / Side)
4Leg Curls W/ Swiss Ball312
5Knee – Knee, Double Knee (Abs)310
6Criss Cross (Abs)320
7Mountain Climbers320
8Elbow Planks W/ Leg Lifts320 (10 /Side)

Week 7 & 8 Workout


Sr.Shoulders, Triceps & CardioSetsReps
1Close Grip Push-ups320
2Cable Triceps Extensions / Arm310
3Overhead Triceps DB Press310
4Barbell Squat Press312
5Rear Deltoid Cable Pulls312
6Arnold Dumbbell Press312
7Side Lateral Raises – Last Set Drop Set410
8CARDIO – HIIT (30 Sec on & 30 Sec off) 20 Min


Sr.Glutes, Hamstrings & CalvesSetsReps
1Hip Thrusts – Single Leg310
2Barbell Straight-Leg Deadlift Superset W/ Seated Leg Curls3  12
3Dumbbell Curtsy Lunges / Leg 10 Reps320
4Single-Leg Deadlift312
5Barbell Hip Thrusts – 10 Second Pause At Top36
6Straight Leg Sit Ups320
7Side-Lying Sit Ups – Each Side312
8Hanging Leg Raises312


Sr.Back, Biceps & CardioSetsReps
1Pull-Ups – Parallel Grip35 – 8
2Cable Seated Rowing – Wide Grip3  12
3Straight Arm Cable Push Downs312
4Barbell Bent Over Rowing312
5Incline Dumbbell Curls312
6Dumbbell Hammer Curls312
7Barbell Bicep Curls312
8In & Outs Dumbbell Curls312


Sr.Legs, Calves & AbsSetsReps

Leg Extensions Superset W/ Lunges – Stationery

Or As Substitute Seated Leg Curls







2Dumbbell Bench Squats – Single Leg320 (10 / side)
3Jump Squats420
4Heavy Leg Press310
5Barbell Hip Thrusts – 10 Second Pause At Top36
6Seated Calf Raise320
7Standing Calf Raise320
8Swiss Ball Crunches – Weighted315
9Swiss Ball Ab Roll Out315


Sr.Chest & AbsSetsReps
1Pec Deck Fly412
2Barbell Bench Press410
3Incline Chest Press – Machine410
4Decline Dumbbell Press410
5Cable Chest Flys (Flat Bench)410
6Push-Ups – Wide312
7Russian Twists – Medicine Ball312
8Ab To Toe Touches – Medicine Ball320
9Straight Leg Sit Ups – Medicine Ball312


Sr.Glutes & CalvesSetsReps
1Barbell Sumo Deadlift412
2Single-Leg Split Squats412
3Walking Lunges (10 Down & 10 Back)320 
4Leg Curls – Swiss Ball312
5Weighted Bridges 315
6Barbell Hip Thrusts320
7Donkey Calf Raises320
8Standing Calf Raises320
9Leg Press Calf Raises320

Week 9 & 10 Workout


Sr.Shoulders, Triceps & CardioSetsReps
1Seated Dumbbell Press – 1 Warm-Up Set36 – 8
2Machine Press – Single Arm36 – 8
3Rear Deltoid Face Pulls – Using Rope36 – 8
4Seated Side Lateral Raises36 – 8
5Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Flyes36 – 8
6Close Grip Bench Press Superset W/ Lying Triceps Extensions36 – 8
7Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Press36 – 8
8CARDIO – HIIT (30 Sec on & 30 Sec off) 20 Min


Sr.Glutes, Hamstrings & CalvesSetsReps
1Deep Squats – 1 Warm-Up Set55
2Barbell Hip Thrusts55
3Bulgarian Split Squats55

Walking Barbell Lunges Superset

W/ Squats




10 / Leg – 5

5Glute Kickbacks55
6Lying / Seated Leg Curls55
7Russian Twists (Medicine Ball)320
8Toe Touches (Medicine Ball)320


Sr.Back, Biceps & CardioSetsReps
1Lat Pull Down – Wide Grip36 – 8
2Seated Rowing3  6 – 8
31 Arm Dumbbell Rowing36 – 8
4Close Grip Smith Machine Inverted Rowing36 – 8
5Preacher Curls – Single Arm36 – 8
6Alternate Dumbbell Curls – Seated36 – 8
7Cross Body Single Arm Cable Curls36 – 8
8Treadmill (30 Sec on & 30 Sec off) – HIIT 20 Min


Sr.Legs, Calves & AbsSetsReps
1Leg Extensions – Single Legs55
2Barbell Wide Squats – Deep55
3Static Lunges W/ Smith Machine55
4Straight-Leg Deadlift55
5Lying Leg Curls – Single Leg55 / Leg
6Hyper Extensions – Weighted55
7Standing Calf Raise2 
8Seated Calf Raises (Drop Set) – Heavy2 


Sr.Chest & AbsSetsReps
1Narrow Push Ups Superset W/ Weighted Bench Dips36 – 8
2Barbell Bench Press36 – 8
3Incline Chest Press – Machine36 – 8
4Cable Crossovers36 – 8
5Standing Incline Cable Flys (From Downside)36 – 8
6In & Out Planks315
7Hip Dips Planks310 / Side
8Rope Crunches315
9Russian Twists320


Sr.Glutes & CalvesSetsReps
1Dumbbell Bench Squats – Single Leg55 / Leg
2Barbell Hip Thrusts55
3Barbell Side Lunges55
4Hip Raises – Side Lying38 / Side
5Single-Leg Hyperextension38
6Seated Calf Raises320
7Standing Calf Raises320

Week 11 & 12 Workout


Sr.Chest & BackSetsReps
1Dumbbell Press + Incline Dumbbell Press + Dumbbell Flys 38
2Push-Ups + Cable Cross Overs + Standing Incline Cable Flys (From Downside) 38
3Cable Bent Over Rowing + Straight Arm Cable Push Downs + Dumbbell Renegade Rowing 38
4Lat Pull Downs + Dumbbell Seated Rowing + Dumbbell Pull Over38


Sr.Arms & AbsSetsReps
1Incline Dumbbell Curls + Standing Barbell Curls + Cross Body Cable Curls38
2Preacher Curls + Conceited Curls W/ Cable + Dumbbell Hammer Curls38
3Triceps Rope Push Downs + Rope Overhead Extensions + Lying Triceps Extensions38
4Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions + Narrow Push-Ups + Bench Dips38
5Crunches (Swiss Ball) + Swiss Ball Twists (Weighted) + Ab Tucks (Swiss Ball)310
6Bicycle Crunches + Hanging Leg Raises + Mountain Climbers310


1Leg Press + Walking Dumbbell Lunges + Barbell Squats38
2Stiff Leg Dead Lifts + Lying Hamstring Curls + Alternate Jumping Lunges3  8
3Leg Extensions + Zercher Step Ups + Jump Squats38
4Standing Calf Raises + Seated Calf Raises + Jump Ropes (100 Counts)312


Sr.Shoulders & AbsSetsReps
1Dumbbell Press + Side Lateral Raises +  Rear Deltoid Raises38
2Front Barbell Raises + Barbell Upright Rowing + Barbell Press38
3Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch + Face Pulls W/ Rope + Rope Skipping (100 Counts)38
4Reverse Crunches + V – Ups + Hip Dips Plank38
5Side Crunches + Plank Thrusts + Plank Jacks38


Sr.Circuit – Cardio2 x 20 – 25 Minutes
1Jump Rope100 Counts
2Mountain Climbers1 Minute
3Jump Rope100 Counts
4Pop Squats1 Minute
5Jump Rope100 Counts
6Push-Ups1 Minute
7Jump Rope100 Counts
8Alternate Toe Touches – Abs 1 Minute
9Jump Rope100 Counts
10Jump Lunges1 Minute
11Jump Rope100 Counts
12Burpees1 Minute


Sr.Cardio – Giant Set (3 Times)SetsReps
1Dumbbell Bench Press – Flat312
 Barbell Stiffed Leg Deadlift312
 Barbell Bent Over Rowing312
 Mountain Climbers350
2Squat Press312
 Barbell Walking Lunges312
 Dumbbell Plie Squats312
 Bicycle Crunches350
3Hyper Extensions312
 Rope Skipping3100 Counts

Wrapping Up

Whether you’ve little or no prior experience, this workout program will help you

  • Lose weight – Anywhere 14 to 20 Pounds, if the diet is in check.
  • Intensity of the workout is gradually increased, so it’s good for those inexperienced gym-goers.
  • Help you build muscles, especially lower body muscles.
  • Increases your endurance and stamina, which will help you follow more aggressive workout routines.
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Satinder Chowdhry