An American Retired Professional Bodybuilder & Entrepreneur Who’s Also Listed Into the IFBB Hall of Fame Earlier in 2004

From an ambitious bodybuilder to getting into the IFBB Hall of Fame earlier in 2004, Rich Gaspari is a retired and popular competitive IFBB bodybuilder. Furthermore, he’s the owner of supplement company Gaspari Nutrition started in 1997 and one of the greatest bodybuilders who has rubbed shoulders with many greatest athletes of bodybuilding history.

Likewise, if you’re his fan or have questions such as what’s Rich Gaspari’s workout routine or his diet plan, then keep reading.

About Rich Gaspari

In childhood, Rich idolized comic book superheroes like Spiderman and Batman because of their shredded physique, and that’s the very same reason that attracted and inspired him to build a powerful muscular physique.

And, as his interest start growing and he started getting results, he further looked up to Golden Era bodybuilding legends like Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger that even motivated him to succeed as a competitive bodybuilder.

rich gaspari workout routine

Rich Gaspari’s Workout Split

Below is one of the workouts split of Rich Gaspari. It includes five workout sessions per week and two rest days:

  • Monday – Chest & Abs
  • Tuesday – Back & Calves
  • Wednesday – Legs
  • Thursday – Shoulders & Abs
  • Friday – Biceps & Triceps
  • Saturday – Rest Day
  • Sunday – Rest Day

Rich Gaspari’s Workout Routine

Back Workout

Front Lat Pulldowns310 – 12
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns310 – 12
Seated Cable Rowing310 – 12
1 – Arm DB Rowing310 – 12
Bent Over BB Rowing410 – 12
BB Deadlifts310 – 12
Hyperextensions312 – 15

Chest, Abs & Triceps Workout

Incline DB / BB Bench Press412 – 15
Incline DB Flys312 – 15
DB / BB Flat Bench Press312 – 15
Dips4Till Failure
Cable Triceps Pushdowns46 – 12
Lying Triceps Extensions48 – 15
DB Overhead Triceps Extensions310 – 12

Legs Workout

Leg Extensions415
45 Degree Leg Press415
Smith Machine Reverse Lunges315
Leg Curls – Lying415
Stiffed Leg BB Deadlifts312

Shoulder & Biceps Workout

DB Press510 – 12 
DB Front Lateral Raises310 – 12
DB Side Lateral Raises410
Wide Grip Front Rows312 – 15
Bent Over DB Lateral Raises310 – 12
BB / DB Shrugs410 – 12

Rich Gaspari’s Diet Plan

Rich Gaspari is known for his massive calorie diet. Though, he used to divide it moderately that helped him effectively in building his muscular physique along with muscle mass:

Meal 1:

  • Protein Shake – 1 Serving made of ½ Cup Egg Whites, ½ Cup Apple Juice, 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

Meal 2:

  • Oats – 1 Cup
  • Banana – 1
  • Egg Whites – ½
  • Whey Protein

Meal 3:

  • Chicken – 9 Oz
  • Brown Rice – 1 Cup
  • Broccoli – 1 Cup

Meal 4:

  • Chicken – 8 Oz
  • Sweet Potato – 1
  • Asparagus – 1 Cup

Meal 5:

  • Lean Steak – 8 Oz
  • Brown Rice – 1 Cup
  • Broccoli – 1 Cup

Meal 6:

  • Whey Protein
  • Egg Whites – ½ Cup
  • Apple Juice – ½
  • Peanut Butter – 1 Tbsp

Meal 7:

  • Yogurt – 1 Cup
  • Whey Protein

Physical Statistics of Rich Gaspari

  • Height – 5 Feet & 8 Inch (172.5 cm)
  • Weight – 245 to 255lbs (111.1 to 115.7 kg)

Olympia Results

  • 1991 – Placed 10th(Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 1990 – Placed 5th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 1989 – Placed 4th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 1988 – Placed 2nd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 1987 – Placed 2nd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 1986 – Placed 2nd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 1985 – Placed 3rd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)

Wrapping Up

Rich Gaspari is one of the retired and popular IFBB pro bodybuilders well-known for his keen determination, hard work, and drive. Likewise, he’s also known for overcoming his genetics. For instance, many have said that he had to train harder than his other fellow competitors, such as Lee Haney, as his genetics weren’t gifted like other bodybuilders.

However, if you’re his fan or have questions like Rich Gaspari’s workout routine, we hope this article may prove helpful. Good luck!

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