Here’s One of the Most Talented WWE Wrestlers, Seth Rollins Workout Routine to Try

In professional wrestling, Seth Rollins is a name that resonates with strength, agility, and incredible athleticism. Renowned for his high-flying maneuvers and explosive in-ring style, Rollins has captivated audiences worldwide. However, behind his remarkable performance lies a meticulous workout routine and a well-structured diet plan. In this article, we will delve into the details of Seth Rollins workout routine and diet, shedding light on the secrets that contribute to his physical prowess and enviable physique.

seth rollins workout routine

Seth Rollins Workout Routine

His workout plan enables him to build the necessary strength and power required for his athletic feats. He incorporates compound exercises to target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Also, he includes functional training and bodyweight workouts to enhance his agility and explosive movements. Nonetheless, one such workout routine is as below:


Handstand Push-Ups15 Min
Muscle – Ups35 Min
Knees to Elbows35 Min
Military Press63
Full Squat Snatches39, 7, 5
Bar Muscle Ups39, 7, 5


Tripod tuck to headstand
Tripod straddle to headstand
Tripod pike to headstand
Clean & Jerk63
Metcon5 Min

Wednesday – Rest Day


Parallette Push – Ups
Handstand Walks
Front Squats63
Box Jumps50
Jumping Pull – Ups50
Kettle Bell Swings50
Walking Lunges50 Steps
Knee to Elbows50
Weighted Push Press50
Back Extensions50
Weighted Wall Ball50
Double Under50


Box Jumps
Hollow Body
Strict Pull – Up
Power Snatch63
Muscle – Ups


Warm Ups
Metcon Rowing500 Mt

Sunday – Rest Day

Seth Rollins Diet Plan

Seth follows a well-balanced diet plan that provides him with the necessary macronutrients for optimal performance and recovery. He ensures a sufficient intake of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Meal 1:

  • Eggs – 5
  • Potatoes
  • Pancake
  • Coffee

Meal 2:

  • Protein Shake

Meal 3:

  • Rice
  • Chicken

Meal 4:

  • Potatoes
  • Red Meat
  • Vegetables


Our Closing Thoughts on Seth Rollins Workout Routine

His impressive physique and outstanding athletic abilities result from his dedication to a rigorous workout routine and a well-balanced diet plan. Through weight training, functional exercises, core work, and cardiovascular conditioning, he hones his strength, agility, and endurance.

Also, he supports his training efforts by adhering to a diet that provides the necessary macronutrients and promotes optimal recovery.

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