Writer, Model, Gym Owner & Professional Golden Era Bodybuilder

Clarence Ross (October 26, 1923, to April 30, 2008), also known as Clancy Ross, was a 1940s old school bodybuilder popular for beating Steve Reeves in a bodybuilding competition history.

Clarence Ross was also an entrepreneur, writer, and master trainer who has competed with some of the best bodybuilders like Steeve Reeves and John Grimek, who possessed a classic physique, balanced muscles, and good separation.

About Clarence Ross

Born in California, Clarence Ross was the second of a total of four children. His father, Hershel Ross, and mother, Jeannette Levi, raised their four children in Oakland.

However, his mother died when he was very young. And, because of that, Ross had to move to foster care, and from thereon, he had moved to many other foster homes. So, the life of Clarence wasn’t easy initially. But, later, due to his hard work, he turned around his life and became one of the few bodybuilders who competed against legendary bodybuilders like Steve Reeves.

Furthermore, Clarence Ross was among the first bodybuilders for pioneering classical physique and the thick chest. In other words, he was a perfect blend of definition and size, which is still regarded as one of the best bodies to be ever stepped on the stage.

Nonetheless, if you have questions like what’s Clarence Ross’s workout routine, here we’re covering one of his workouts.

clarence ross workout routine

Clarence Ross’s Workout Routine – For Bulking

Clarence followed the below-mentioned workout routine three months before his bodybuilding competition.

Frequency: Monday, Wednesday & Friday – Cycle 1 to 3 & Saturday – Cycle 1 to 4

Cycle 1

BB Military Press410, 5, 5, 1
BB Biceps Curls410
BB Upright Rowing410
Prone Bench Press410
Incline BB Press410
1 – Arm DB Rowing415
BB Deadlift415
Dips – Weighted415

Cycle 2

BB Upright Rowing410
BB Curls410, 5, 5, 5
Prone Bench Press410
Incline BB Bench Press410
1 – Arm DB Rowing415
BB Deadlifts412
Box Dips412

Cycle 3

BB Biceps Curls410
BB Upright Rowing410
Prone Bench Press27, 5
Incline BB Bench Press410
1 – Arm DB Rowing412
Parallel Bar Dips – Weighted410

Cycle 4 – Performed Only On Saturday

BB Back Squats310
Leg Press320
DB Pullovers420

Clarence Ross’s Workout Routine – It Appeared in January 1950s Muscle Power Magazine

BB Back Squats410
Leg Press216 – 20
Calf Raises Using Leg Press Machine1100
BB Bench Press310
BB Incline Press310
Bent Over BB Rowing310
DB Side Lateral Raises310
BB Biceps Curls310
Concentration Curls110
Behind The Neck BB Press310
Chin-Ups (Behind The Neck)110
Forward Twists/Bend3Till Failure
Bench Push-Ups320
Sit-Ups1Till Failure
Leg Raises1Till Failure
Bar Hanging1Till Failure
Neck Work1Till Failure

Wrapping Up – Clarence Ross’s Workout Routine

Clarence Ross wasn’t blessed with normal life like others. For instance, his unstable life from foster homes isn’t something anyone can expect. However, that didn’t stop him from finding opportunities and turning his life goal into a reality with his utmost dedication and hard work.

Nonetheless, if you’re his fan and have questions such as what’s Clarence Ross’s workout routine, then here we’ve covered his workout routines that you can give a try. And, it’s recommended that you go for his workout if you’ve experience of working out, as it can become overwhelming for youfor you if you’re a beginner.

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