4 Day Split Muscle Building Workout Routine for Better Physique & Lean Muscle Mass

Are you someone who’s going to the gym but doesn’t have a specific program to follow and questioning yourself like I need a workout routine to build muscle? Or are you someone who’s looking for some workout routine that can give good results but without spending an endless amount of time in the gym? Or say you’re someone who’s simply looking for muscle building workout routine? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’re reading the right article.

Here’s 12 weekly workout routine that’s split in 4 days per week. It’s a flexible muscle-building workout routine that will help you gain mass if you follow it with a good diet and optimal protein intake.


This muscle-building workout plan is designed for both men and women. So, regardless of your gender, it’ll help you to achieve your goals.

Note: Though this workout is for men, but women can try this workout plan too. It’s just a myth that women get bulkier if they lift heavy.

Workout Routine to Build Muscle: Here’s How This Workout Routine Is Structured

It’s a 4-day workout plan that’s divided into a four-week cycle. It means you’ll follow one variation for the first four weeks, then for another four weeks, you’ll follow differently, and for the last four weeks, the workout routine will be different.

Throughout this muscle-building workout routine, the body parts you train for a particular day remains the same, and exercise is changed.

Muscle Building Workout Routine – Here’s the Workout Routine Split

It’s a four day split workout routine for lean muscle, where you do your workout four times within one week.

  • Day 1 – Chest & Triceps.
  • Day 2 – Back & Biceps.
  • Day 3 – Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want).
  • Day 4 – Shoulders & Forearms.
  • Day 5 – Legs.
  • Day 6 – Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want)
  • Day 7 – Rest Day

Here’s the 4 Day Workout Routine to Build Muscle

Follow the below-mentioned muscle building workout routine with a good diet that includes a good amount of protein and see the difference..

Muscle Building Workout Routine – Week 1 to 4 Workout

Monday: Chest & Triceps

1Bench Press – Using a barbell410, 10, 8, 6
2Incline Barbell Bench Press310, 8, 6
3Decline Barbell Bench Press310, 8, 6
4DB Flys210
5DB Pullover210
6DB Tricep Extensions410, 10, 8, 6
7Skull Crushers310
8Tricep Dips310

Tuesday: Back & Biceps

1Barbell Deadlift510, 10, 8, 6, 4
2Reverse Hand Pull-ups (Chin Ups)210, 8
31 – Arm DB Rowing38
4Seated Cable Rows210, 8
5Lat Pull Down – Close Grip310, 8, 8
6Standing BB Curls310, 8, 6
7Preacher Curls – Close Grip310, 8, 6
8DB Curls – Incline214, 12
9Concentration Curls210

Wednesday: Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want)

Thursday: Shoulders & Forearms

1DB Shoulder Press310
2DB Reverse Flys310, 10, 8
3Barbell Military Press410, 8, 8, 6
4Side Lateral Raises210, 8
5Shrugs210, 8
6Upright Rowing210, 8
7Wrist Curls425
8Barbell Wrist Curls425

Friday: Legs

1Barbell Squats510, 8, 6, 6, 4
2Leg Extensions312, 12, 10
3Lying Leg Curls312, 12, 10
4Calf Raises – Standing412, 12, 10, 10
5Calf Raises – Seated412, 12, 10, 10

Saturday: Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want)

Sunday: Rest Day

Muscle Building Workout Routine – Week 5 to 8 Workout

Monday: Chest & Triceps

1Incline Barbell Bench Press410, 10, 8, 6
2Flat Barbell Bench Press310, 8, 6
3Decline Barbell Bench Press310, 8, 6
4Pec Dec (Machine Fly / Butterfly)215
5DB Pullover215, 12
6Skull Crushers410, 10, 8, 6
7Seated DB Overhead Tricep Extensions310, 8, 6
8Close Grip Bench Press310, 8, 6

Tuesday: Back & Biceps

1Reverse Hand Pull-ups (Chin Ups)410, 10, 8, 8
2Barbell Rowing310, 8, 8
3T – Bar Rowing310, 8, 8
4Seated Cable Rows310, 8, 8
5Lat Pull Down – Wide Grip410, 10, 8, 8
6EZ – Bar Close Grip Barbell Curls410, 8, 6, 6
7Concentration Curls310, 8, 6
8Alternate DB Curls412, 12, 10, 10
9DB Hammer Curls410, 8, 6, 6

Wednesday: Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want)

Thursday: Shoulders & Forearms

1Behind The Neck Press310
2Rope Face Pulls310, 10, 8
3DB Front Lateral Raises310, 8, 8
4Side Lateral Raises310, 8, 8
5Snatch Grip High Pulls38, 6, 5
6Upright Rowing310, 8, 8
7Reverse Barbell Curls412, 12, 10, 10
8Zottman Curls412, 12, 10, 10

Friday: Legs

1Barbell Squats – Wide Stance510, 8, 6, 6, 4
2Hack Squats512, 12, 10, 10, 8
3Walking Lunges412, 12, 10, 10
4Calf Raises – Standing4Till Failure
5Calf Raises – Seated4Till Failure

Saturday: Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want)

Sunday: Rest Day

Muscle Building Workout Routine – Week 9 to 12 Workout

Monday: Chest & Triceps

1Incline Barbell Bench Press310, 8, 6
2Flat DB Press310, 8, 6
3Decline Barbell Bench Press310, 8, 6
4DB Flys312, 10, 8
5Dips310, 8, 8
6Close Grip Bench Press310, 8, 6
7Rope Push Downs312, 10, 8
81 Arm Triceps DB Extension312, 10, 8

Tuesday: Back & Biceps

1Reverse Hand Pull-ups (Chin Ups)3Till Failure
21 Arm DB Rowing310, 8, 8
3T – Bar Rowing310, 8, 8
4Barbell Rowing310, 8, 8
5Lat Pull Down310, 8, 8
6Alternate DB Curls410, 8, 6, 6
7Concentration Curls310, 8, 6
8EZ Bar Curls310, 8, 6
9Incline DB Curls410, 8, 6, 6

Wednesday: Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want)

Thursday: Shoulders & Forearms

1Shoulder Press310, 8, 8
2Arnold Press310, 8, 8
3DB Rear Lateral Raises310, 8, 8
4DB Side Lateral Raises310, 8, 8
5DB Front Lateral Raises310, 8, 8
6Snatch Grip High Pulls35
7Zottman Curls412
8DB Wrist Curls425

Friday: Legs

1Front Barbell Squats510, 8, 6, 6, 4
2Leg Extensions412, 10, 8, 8
3Lying Leg Curls412, 10, 8, 8
4Calf Raises – Seated4Till Failure
5Calf Raises – Standing4Till Failure

Saturday: Rest Day / Active Rest Day (Go for a walk if you want)

Sunday: Rest Day

Recommended Read: Jamie Eason From Flat to All That – 90 Days Workout Program

Wrapping Up

Muscle building workout plans don’t give results overnight. It takes years and years of dedication and consistency to achieve your dream physique. This 12-week muscle building workout routine doesn’t overpromise you that you’ll get that great physique like bodybuilders, but it’ll help you gain some mass if you do it with a good protein intake.

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Satinder Chowdhry