Known As the Lion of Lebanon, Samir Was Famous for His Dense & Hard Physique

Born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon, Samir Bannout, also famously known as The Lion of Lebanon, is a Mr. Olympia winner and one of the greatest bodybuilders of his golden era time time and bodybuilding sports history.

Like some IFBB Pro bodybuilders, Samir started his bodybuilding competition career very early, at 18 years. He competed for the first time in the 1974s Teenage Mr. Universe contest. Likewise, that made him understand bodybuilding is the career he wants, and for that, he would have to go out of Lebanon. He also did the same by moving to the USA, where he competed against some of the legendary bodybuilders and ultimately became one of the IFBB Hall of Fame bodybuilders.

samir bannout workout routine

Nevertheless, if you want to know about Samir Bannout’s workout routine or want to find out his training philosophy, here we’ve covered one of his workout routines.

Samir Bannout’s Workout Routine

Day 1: Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps

DB or BB Front Raises46 – 15
DB Side Lateral Raises48 – 20
Bent-Over Lateral Raises W/ Cables410 – 20
Behind The Neck BB Press46 – 15
BB Upright Rowing45 – 15
Alternate DB Curls46 – 12
BB Preacher Curls46 – 12
DB Concentration Curls46 – 12
Triceps Press Downs48 – 15 
1 – Arm DB Triceps Extensions48 – 15
Parallel Bar or Reverse Dips48 – 15

Day 2: Legs, Calves & Abs

Leg Extensions (Last 4 Sets of 5 Reps)810
Leg Curls – Lying510
Straight Leg BB Deadlift (Light)48 – 12
Hack Squats or Walking Lunges48 – 12
BB Back Squats66 – 15
Calf Stretches on Blocks (Bodyweight)1Till Failure
Standing Heel Raises W/ Heavy Weights815+
Seated Heel Raises W/ Heavy Weights815+
Leg Raises (Hanging)425+
Side Crunches W/ Pulley Machines430+

Day 3: Chest & Back

BB Bench Press (Warm-Up – 1 x 20 – 25)64 – 10
Incline BB Bench Press66 – 12
DB Flys (Incline or Flat)48 – 15
Weighted Parallel Bar Dips48 – 15
Chin-Ups (Weighted)68 – 12
Bent Over BB Rowing58 – 12
T – Bar Rowing58 – 12
Seated Cable Rowing48 – 12

Day 4 – Rest Day

Day 5 – Repeat from Day 1

Early Years & First Competition of Samir Bannout

Samir was fascinated by bodybuilding from a very early age. He used to admire the physiques of athletes who could carve their bodies, and he was determined to sculpt in the same way.

To make his determination a reality, he joined the gym at the age of 16 and started lifting weights. Likewise, by the age of 18 in 1974, Samir has been able to sculpt his physiques through his hard work. In the mean, he also fell in love with fitness and bodybuilding, which helped him stay devoted to his dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder.

In the same year, 1974, Samir traveled to the USA for his first competition, the Mr. Universe. He was placed 7th in the competition, but the interesting part is that he was the youngest contestant in the show who defeated some of the experienced athletes.

Moving to the USA

After competing for Mr. Universe, he learned that if he wanted to make a career in bodybuilding, he had to move out of Lebanon. So, he did the same by moving to the USA to make his name in bodybuilding, which he also achieved.

Journey of Samir Bannout From IFBB Pro Card to Mr. Olympia

After five years of his debut in bodybuilding, at the end of 1979, Samir made a massive milestone in his bodybuilding career. He happened to win the IFBB World Amateur Championships in 1979 and won his IFBB Pro card.

And after that, for three years, Samir competed in 11 bodybuilding competitions, along with 3 competitions of Mr. Olympia. Later, in 1983, Samir stepped on the Mr. Olympia stage and other famous bodybuilders Lee Haney, Frank Zane, Mohamed Makkawy, Ed Corney, and Bertil Fox. And, surprisingly he managed to secure his biggest success by winning the trophy, and amazingly he was the 6th bodybuilder who won Mr. Olympia in 1983.

Samir competed for 13 years more, and in 1996, at the age of 41, he retired from the sport by getting placed 6th in the Masters Mr. Olympia. And, four years later, after his retirement, Samir’s name got inducted into the most prestigious IFBB Hall of Fame, which gave him elite positions like Larry Scott, Sergio Oliva, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Comeback After Long Retirement

At 56 years of age, Samir made one last comeback in the IFBB Pro World Masters competition, where he rubbed shoulders with other bodybuilding legends such as Andreas Cahing and Dexter Jackson, but sadly, he couldn’t win and placed 11th.

Samir Bannout’s Idols

Samir admires many top bodybuilders, including Chris Dickerson, Tom Platz, Franco Columbu, and Danny Padilla. But, lastly, the most admiration he has for is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Wrapping Up

Samir Bannout is considered as among the greatest bodybuilder to grace the stage. Nonetheless, if you’ve questions regarding his training philosophy or want to learn about Samir Bannout’s workout routine, we hope that the workout routine covered here may prove helpful.

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