William Bonac Is an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and Sponsored Athlete From Ghana Who Prides Himself for Being Down to Earth Attitude & Being Confident

William Bonac is an IFBB Pro bodybuilder and sponsored athlete from Ghana known for his grueling workout routines, aesthetics, cuts, and symmetry. Furthermore, while growing up in his twenties, Flex Wheeler was one of his favorite bodybuilders. Still, later Kai Greene picked his interest and attention, which also inspired him to start competing.

If you’re his fan and questioning what’s William Bonac’s workout routine or diet plan, keep reading.

About William Bonac

Presently residing in the Netherlands, William Bonac won his IFBB pro card earlier in 2012. Like other bodybuilders, he has also started lifting from the young age of 13. However, he has faced many long and difficult roads to reach the level where he’s today. For instance, it took him around two decades to get at the Mr. Olympia stage and get under the top 5 contenders.

william bonac workout routine

William Bonac’s Workout Routine

Day 1: Chest

Incline DB Flys510 – 12
Incline DB Press58 – 12
Flat DB Press58 – 12
DB Pullovers510
Hammer Strength Press58 – 12
Standing Cable Flys510 – 15

Day 2: Back

T – Bar Rowing58 – 12
Uni – Lateral Machine Rowing58 – 12
Close Grip Cable Rowing58 – 12
Middle Back Rowing58 – 12
Bent Over BB Rowing58 – 12
Lower Lat Rowing58 – 12

Day 3: Shoulder

Machine Side Lateral Raises512
DB Upright Rowing510 – 15
Cable Side Lateral Raises510 – 15
Rope Front Lateral Raises510 – 15
Shoulder Press W/ Machine58 – 12
Upright Rowing W/ Smith Machine510 – 12 
Reverse Pec Deck510 – 15

Day 4: Leg

Leg Extensions – Single Leg510 – 15
Walking Lunges510 / Leg
45 Degree Hack Squats58 – 12
Leg Press58 – 12
Seated Leg Extensions510 – 15
Seated Leg Curls510 – 15 
Hip Abduction510 – 15
Lying Leg Curls58 – 12
Seated Calf Raises515 – 20

Day 5: Arm

DB Concentration Curls58 – 12
EZ Bar Skull Crushers58 – 12
Alternate DB Curls58 – 12
Triceps Rope Pushdowns58 – 12

Machine Preacher Curls

Superset W/ Machine Dips



10 – 15

10 – 15

Day 6 & 7:  Rest Day

William Bonac’s Diet Plan

The diet plan of William Bonac is quite massive. When preparing for a bodybuilding competition, William Bonac’s diet plan is usually around 4600 calories per day. Likewise, he changes his diet plan according to the goals he set. And, one such diet plan of William Bonac is as below:

Meal 1:

  • Whole Eggs – 2
  • Egg Whites – 6
  • Whey Protein – 2 Scoop
  • Banana – ½
  • Blueberries – Handful
  • Oatmeal – 1 Cup

Meal 2:

  • Chicken Breast – 220 G
  • White Rice – 300 G
  • Broccoli – 75 G

Meal 3:

  • Chicken Breast – 220 G
  • White Rice – 300 G
  • Broccoli – 75 G

Meal 4:

  • Steak – 220 G
  • White Rice – 300 G
  • Beans – 75 G

Meal 5:

  • Salmon – 220 G
  • White Rice – 300 G
  • Broccoli – 70 G

Meal 6:

  • Chicken Breast – 220 G
  • Potatoes – 200 G
  • Broccoli – 75 G

Physical Statistics of William Bonac

  • Height – 5 Feet & 7 Inch (170 cm)
  • Weight – 225 to 235lbs (102.1 to 106.6 kg)

Olympia Results

  • 2019 – Placed 2nd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2018 – Placed 4th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2017 – Placed 3rd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2016 – Placed 5th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2015 – Placed 8th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2014 – Placed 15th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)

Wrapping Up

William Bonac is one of the modern bodybuilders who’s known for his excellent mass, aesthetics, cuts, and symmetry he brings to the stage. Nonetheless, he’s also famous for his massive legs and arms. Since 2014 where he made his first appearance in the open class Mr. Olympia category, William has become one of the top Mr. Olympia contenders.

However, if you’ve been wondering about William Bonac’s workout routine or diet plan, we hope this article may prove helpful. Good luck!

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